English to Swedish widget will enchant your time by giving you the ability to learn new words and phrases every time you look at your home screen. It’s incredibly fast, convenient, simple, and easy to use. It requires no configuration, no internet connection and no android permissions.THE problem:
- Learning Swedish is normally boring and hard (unless you watch Swedish TV soap operas every day).- Speaking Swedish takes A LOT of time and practice.- Vocabulary is really important if you want to understand Swedish.- Each day over an hour of your time goes to waste.
THE Solution: English to Swedish vocabulary widget
• In a single day you normally look at your phone more than 50 times a day.• Daily over an hour of your time goes to waste on waiting for a bus, subway, in stores and pubs! (Which could be put to good use with practicing Swedish words and phrases).
The flashcard widget will always show five commonly used verbs, adjectives, nouns or two phrases in Swedish and English language.
When you’re comfortable to change the current set, simply press the refresh button and five new verbs or two new phrases will pop up. It uses a set of 4000 most common Swedish and English words and about 600 most used phrases.
The flashcard will also pronounce Swedish words or sentences with Swedish pronunciation and English words or sentences with English pronunciation. Simply tap the word to hear it!
If you want a simple but powerful widget, that will help you increase your English or Swedish vocabulary on a daily basis, then give it a try!